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The first step on your journey




-12 °C

39 km/h


Get the full overview

Checking in is the first step on your journey through the airport. At our airports, you can check in from home or at the check-in desk on your day of departure.


At Nuuk Airport, you can also use a self-service check-in machine. The following is an overview of how it all works.


Online check-in is an easy and quick way to confirm from home or on the go that you will be taking your booked flight. Most airlines offer online check-in, and the process is completed via their system.


Online Check-in

What to do

You will receive an email or text from the airline informing you when your flight is open for online check-in. This will usually be 1 or 2 days prior to departure, depending on the airline. You can check in using your smartphone, computer or tablet. Some airlines give you the option to check in by responding to a text message sent to you prior to departure.


When you arrive at the airport, go directly to a self-service check-in machine, print your bagtag and attach it to your luggage. Then leave your luggage at the bag drop point. If you are only travelling with hand luggage, you can proceed directly to the security checkpoint.

Checking in at the desk

You can also check in at our manned check-in desks. If you know that your luggage is over the weight limit, we recommend that you check in at the desk.

What to do

Have your passport and travel documents ready. You may show us your travel documents on your smartphone or print them out. In some cases, you will need to present a valid visa. Our staff will guide you through the rest of the process.

Checking in at the self-service machines at Nuuk Airport

At Nuuk Airport, you have the option to check in for your flight at a self-service check-in machine.

What to do


Have your passport and travel documents ready, and follow the instructions on the machine. You will be asked to scan the bar code or enter the booking number from your confirmation email. In some cases, you will need to show a valid visa. Once you have entered the necessary information, the machine will print out your boarding pass and bagtag.

Attach the bagtag to your luggage and leave it at the bag drop point. If you are only travelling with hand luggage, you can proceed directly to the security checkpoint.

Useful information before checking in

  • Remember to ensure your check-in luggage does not exceed your weight allowance. In your travel documents, you can see how many bags you may bring and how much they may weigh. If you bring too many or they weigh too much, you will have to pay an additional fee.
  • If you are travelling with skis, a pram, fishing gear or other special equipment, these are considered odd-sized baggage. These items must be dropped at the odd-size bag drop point after checking in.
  • If you are travelling with foods, they must be packed in your check-in luggage. Any foods in your hand luggage will be confiscated at the security checkpoint.

Arrive in plenty of time


Arrive early for a good start to your journey. When travelling from Nuuk, we recommend arriving at the airport 2 hours before your departure time – for both domestic and international flights. When travelling from our other airports or heliports, you should arrive 1 hour prior to departure.

The first step on your journey

Checking in is the first step on your journey through the airport. At our airports, you can check in from home or at the check-in desk on your day of departure.

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